The ENORMOUS Impact of Truck Parking Shortages on Logistics Coordinators

Aerial view of truck yard

In the complex world of logistics, efficient transportation is the lifeblood of successful operations. However, few realize a pressing challenge casting a long shadow over the industry: the shortage of truck parking spaces. As logistics coordinators, it’s crucial to understand the implications of this issue and how to navigate it effectively.

The Growing Truck Parking Crisis

In recent years, the shortage of truck parking spaces across the United States has intensified. An important difference between car parking and truck parking is that car parking is required by law in most jurisdictions. In a commonly cited study conducted by the American Trucking Association it was concluded that 98% of drivers regularly struggle to find safe parking and spend, on average, 56 minutes per day looking for parking. ATA President and CEO, Chris Spear, “The lack of safe and accessible truck parking places an enormous and costly burden on our nation’s truck drivers as they work to deliver for the American people…” With an increasing number of trucks on the road, combined with stricter hours-of-service regulations, finding a safe and convenient parking spot has become a daunting task for truck drivers. This crisis has significant implications for logistics coordinators and the industry as a whole.

Impact on Supply Chain Efficiency

      1. Delays and Downtime: Trucks circling for parking spots or being forced to park in unsafe areas lead to delays and safety concerns for drivers. Delays in loading, unloading, or en-route can have a domino effect on supply chain schedules.
      2. Driver Fatigue: Fatigue is a safety concern. When drivers struggle to find parking, they may exceed their hours of service, a situation exacerbated by the 2018 electronic logging device mandate, compromising their alertness and overall safety.
      3. Increased Costs: The added time and fuel spent searching for parking spots contribute to increased operational costs. These costs can ultimately trickle down to logistics coordinators and customers.

    trucking parking American Trucking Associations and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association estimate there is one parking spot for every 11 drivers, according to an article published by Transport Topics.

    Strategies for Logistics Coordinators

    As logistics coordinators, there are several strategies to mitigate the impact of the truck parking shortage:

        1. Real-Time Monitoring: Utilize technology to monitor the locations of your trucks in real-time. This helps you identify potential parking issues before they become critical.
        2. Advanced Scheduling: Optimize your scheduling to minimize the need for parking during peak hours. Consider off-peak deliveries or scheduling routes that allow for early parking.
        3. Preferred Parking Agreements: Establish agreements with truck stops or rest areas to secure preferred parking for your drivers. This can be a win-win, as it ensures your shipments move efficiently.
        4. Driver Collaboration: Encourage open communication with your drivers. They often have insights into parking solutions in specific regions.
        5. Invest in Telematics: Telematics systems can provide parking availability information, helping drivers locate spots more easily. There are a number of apps focused on connecting drivers with available lots. 

      Advocating for Solutions

      Addressing the truck parking shortage is a collaborative effort that requires advocacy from industry stakeholders, including logistics coordinators. Support initiatives aimed at expanding truck parking infrastructure, such as funding for rest areas and improved signage. Engage with industry associations and policymakers to ensure your voice is heard.


      The truck parking shortage is a pressing issue that logistics coordinators must navigate skillfully. By understanding its impact and implementing proactive strategies, you can minimize disruptions to your supply chain and support your drivers in their quest for safe and convenient parking. Remember, addressing this issue is not just a matter of efficiency; it’s also about ensuring the safety and well-being of the drivers who keep our logistics operations running smoothl

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